Thursday, April 18, 2013

Any way you want it-thats the way you write it-anyway you want it!

what is power?
Is it knowledge? Is it influence? Is it the ability to make the worlds tastiest cupcake?
what is TRUE power?
I feel, that the answer, is personal for all sentient beings.
Strength. Knowledge. Cunning. Influence. Supernatural powers. All of these are true, but what is the most powerful of all powers, the greatest of all glories?
For me, I have found that Truth, is the greatest power.
For without Truth, you can never reach the full potential of power. You are subjected to false notions, like for strength, they would say that the best way to get strong is to lift cotton balls for 30 seconds once a year. For knowledge, to read one page of a book every ten years. These falsities are product of the absence of the power of Truth, and so on.

So find your power, and pursue the Truth of that power, and make me a cupcake dangit!

My dark-dark past

My past... is a dark and decrepit story of darkness and depression, full of darkness and death and cuuuuuppcaaaaaakes...........
The most prevalent memory I have, is of my brother.....
my ....... BROTHER.................
My brother was a young boy at the time, and I, a toddler. We were happily playing on the playgroud behind our house, having a good time, when..... IT happened.
We were playing, being kids, when, for some reason I cannot remember, my brother.... he pushed me.
I fell and I fell, fell for what seamed like hours, about a foot, A WHOLE FOOT! off the edge of the playground, and on to the hard, unforgiving, and merciless wood-chips below. I cried out, as the relentless wood-chips scraped and scratched me all over me skinny, sensitive arms, and I got up, and ran for my house, and ......... I told.
From then on, I have been a cold, heartless machine of war, destroying all feeling, emotionless, and hollow.....
Now, I must go and snuggle with Mr. Huggie-wuggles, before I make cookies for my mommy.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Nothing to fear, but fear itself...... and teddy bears

Why do we fear? It is to ask why I am wearing a toga as I write this.
It is Thursday.
But perhaps... there is a better question.....
We fear, to be paranoid about how clean our house is when Nici Nash comes over to our house. To scream when a small spider skitters across our kitchen floors, and to superglue our boy/girl-friend to us, to keep them from running away with the varsity wrestling champion.
We fear, because we like it.
But the real question for us is.....
Why does Fear have to look so awesome?

And why are teddy bears so scary?

My most embarrassing moment in time, space, and about the 23 digit in the number Pi.

I remember it like it was yesterday.....
Well actually it was about three weeks ago, but I remember it as being yesterday.
It was a normal night in my house, and all was quiet. Well... relatively speaking, in comparison to most nights in my house. But we were just having a little family movie night, watching some stupid movie for kids or something (my memory isn't that good) and when it was over, me and my step dad started in making fun of each-other.
I called him ugly, and said I was sexier than him. He called me a horse butt, and said that he was sexier than me...
But then, as I tried to go down to my room to go to bed, he decidedly took off his size nine converse, and threw it in my general direction, and my brother shouted my name, and I flipped around, and the shoe hit me right in the forehead.
My family was silent.... for about three seconds. And then they began to laugh at my shoe related misery, and all I could do was laugh with them, because, well... it was funny!

This didn't actually happen to me, it happened to my sister, and I wrote it because everything embarrassing that I've done, well, odds are you've done it too. And besides, this was funnier. :)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Courage: the Life-Blood of Adventure

What is Courage?
Is it a feeling? Is it a thing that you hold in your hand? Is it a living thing inside of us, feeding on our common sense until we fall off of a cliff?!
Whatever it is, people usually get it confused with a bad idea, and false hope, rather than actual courage.

Take for example, the drunken hobo, living on the streets. He had a bad idea, where as the brave and courageous Fireman, risks his life for both a living for himself, and to save the lives of others, including the drunken hobo, who thought that lighting a bathtub of Vodka on fire would help keep him warm, while also in an unstable building. That is just dumb. But the Fireman comes in, saves the hobo, puts out the fire, and then chews the hobo out for being so dumb. And then does something really courageous, and buys a wedding ring for his fiance, to become engaged,that is bravery my friends, to hold down a job, a wife, and future kids! That kind of bravery just barely borderlines complete stupidity, and teeters on the unstable edge of Manly Manhood. MANLY!

"Courage is not ignoring your fears, but it is the ability to face them, even though you're scared." (unknown).

I am courageous. Like, yesterday, my sister asked if her sweat-pants made her butt look big, and I said," Perhaps your skinny butt makes your sweat-pant's butt look big!"
But then she threw a frying pan at my head, and chased me around with a sharpened pencil eraser, and tried to poke my pancreas out.
But it was still courageous.
And funny.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Enjoy my Poem-Foo!

The Poem that Matters..

Dragon of Sleep

Oh Peaceful rest, your clutch so soft
claiming peasants below and kings aloft.
Your wings like a cozy wind, resting restless
warriors and elven kin.

Eyes like glass, and a voice so deep,
it puts raging dragons and giants to sleep.
Ye have no claw, no talon or teeth, but paw
and fur and mouth of wreath.
You sing so softly, like a mournful wind
cheerful and jolly, but like your form,
quiet and peaceful therein
but rasp and worn.

With lack of scales and warm fur
you bring to sick the blessed cure
laying down to rest the sick of heart
resting them for worlds far apart.

Oh revered sleep, flying on dragon’s wing
many a person your deeds they sing
from peasant, knight and great high king
oh come to my bed, and restful sleep bring

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Introductory to APOC

Greetings, puny mortals!
I am Apocalipsas, the King of this .....Blog.
I have a new law! Effective immediately! The law is: that I will be posting stories that I like to write all over this blog... AND THERE'S NOTHING THAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! HA HA HA HA HA! Know that I am a King, and you must obey me. And do what I say. And I say: Go buy me a 2-lieter of root-beer! NOW!
I like to write Fantasy, and a little bit of sci-fi, and if you don't like it, then you can..... go away, I don't want you here if you don't read my stuff. Go find another King of the Blog, and leave me alone!
But if you do like those kinds of stories, then you must.. SIT DOWN, SHUT UP, AND ENJOY YOURSELVES, DANGIT!